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Passover Kashrut Alerts

Newer Passover Alerts

South African Passover Notice - Gefen Ketchup

March 22, 2018: From the Beth Din of Johannesburg:

Non-Kosher for Pesach GEFEN KETCHUP was sent in error by the supplier to Kosherworld and Norwood Spar. The company apologises for the error, and the product was immediately recalled from retail shelves.

The Kosher for Pesach Gefen Ketchup must bear the OU-P logo on the packaging.

If you purchased the incorrect stock, please return it to the retailer for a full refund or exchange.

The previous item can be cited with the URL: https://www.kashrut.com/Passover/PAlerts/?alert=P0626

Freeda Passover 5781 (2021)

March 17, 2021 from New Square Kosher Council:

Please note that New Square Kosher Council does NOT certify any of Freeda Vitamins for Passover.

March 17, 2021 from Freeda Vitamins:

Freeda products do NOT contain Chametz.

Freeda products should be assumed to contain Kitniyos ingredients.

The above statements have not been reviewed by New Square Kosher.

Please consult your Rabbi for any specific questions you may have about using Freeda products on Pesach.

The previous item can be cited with the URL: https://www.kashrut.com/Passover/PAlerts/?alert=P0625

Israeli Passover Alert - a. Atias French nougat snack

March 16, 2021 from the Israeli Cheif Rabbinate:

הרבנות מודיעה כי חטיף נוגט צרפתי של החברה א. אטיאס קוד יצור 05021 אינו כשר כלל לפסח ונפלה טעות בהדפסה כפי שרואים בתמונה המצורפת

Translated by Google Translate: The rabbinate announces that the company's French nougat snack a. Atias production code 05021 is not kosher at all for Passover and a printing error occurred as seen in the photo.

The previous item can be cited with the URL: https://www.kashrut.com/Passover/PAlerts/?alert=P0624

Passover Alert Atlanta - Absolutely Gluten Free Potato Crisps

March 16, 2021 from the AKC:

Absolutely Gluten Free Potato Crisps comes in Passover certified and non-Passover certified versions. The Absolutely Gluten Free Potato Crisps sold at the Spicy Peach and other places are NOT kosher for Passover. Check for the Passover designation before use on Passover.

The previous item can be cited with the URL: https://www.kashrut.com/Passover/PAlerts/?alert=P0623

Pesach Alert Re: Garlic, Cocoa and Thickeners (Corrected), Denver

March 16, 2021 from the Scroll-K:

Ed. note: The OU list of Medical Nutritional Supplements is here

The previous item can be cited with the URL: https://www.kashrut.com/Passover/PAlerts/?alert=P0622

Passover Alert - Lipton Unsweetened Iced Tea

March 15, 2021 from the COR Twitter:

Some Lipton Unsweetened Iced Teas have maltodextrin listed in the ingredients. They are not acceptable for Pesach

The previous item can be cited with the URL: https://www.kashrut.com/Passover/PAlerts/?alert=P0621

Passover Information and Alert - Ensure & Ensure with fiber

March 15, 2021 from the Dallas Vaad and Kosher Atlanta:

Ensure with fiber may contain Chametz and should not be used on Passover. Other varieties of Ensure do not contain Chametz.

Ensure: For Use by an infant or someone who is ill. The following are some varieties that are acceptable for someone who is ill:

Plus for a complete list click here.

The previous item can be cited with the URL: https://www.kashrut.com/Passover/PAlerts/?alert=P0620

Passover Alert - Soft Matzah

March 15, 2021 from the cRc:

A number of community members have approached the cRc about a brand of soft matzah recently advertised locally.

Please note, that for Ashkenazim, according to the predominant custom soft matzahs should not be used for Pesach (Halichot Shlomo, Hilchot Pesach 9:42, note 80).

At the same time, we recognize that while some Sefardic authorities legitimately permit and even promote its use for Sefardim, it is critical that the hechsher be of the highest standing.

The previous item can be cited with the URL: https://www.kashrut.com/Passover/PAlerts/?alert=P0619

Passover Shopping Alert - Double-check labels

March 11, 2021 from the London Beth Din:

Reminder: The 'Kosher for Passover' section in supermarkets is not under kosher supervision. When purchasing products for Pesach from any non-supervised establishment, you are advised to check that each item bears a reliable kosher l'Pesach hechsher and does not contain kitniyot.

February 17, 2021 from AKC:

Many Pesach brands have similar year-round products which are not kosher for Pesach. These products can get mixed up on the shelves. Some items may also contain kitnyos and are only acceptable for Sefardim.

The previous item can be cited with the URL: https://www.kashrut.com/Passover/PAlerts/?alert=P0602

Passover Information - Chosen Avocado Oil

March 11, 2021 from the OU in respose to a question from the editor clarifying information seen online:

Chosen avocado oil and Chosen avocado oil spray are approved for Passover with just an OU. The OU does not vouch for other brands.

The previous item can be cited with the URL: https://www.kashrut.com/Passover/PAlerts/?alert=P0618
Older Passover Alerts

The information posted is from secondary sources. We cannot take responsibility for the accuracy of the information.

Copyright © kashrut.com. Permission is granted to reprint these alerts if kashrut.com is credited as the source of the information.
כל האומר דבר בשם אומרו, מביא גאלה לעולם אבות ו"ו

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